VBS 2020

2020 VBS in a bag/virtual. Our VBS theme is Compassion Camp (Be Loved, Be Kind, Be You). Join us the week of July 13, 2020. If interested please call the church office at 507-348-3276 and let us know how many kids. Our bags will include instructions, crafts, supplies, and snacks, etc.  Once they are ready, we will notify you to pick them up or we can deliver.   If you have any questions please ask. This will be different than years past but promises to be fun!



The Educational ministry of Jasper ELC includes Sunday School, adult education, Vacation Bible School, special programs, and social activities for youth and adults.

Sunday school classes meet from 10:00 am to 11:00 am during the school year.  Activities include:

  • Class time with age appropriate learning of Old and New Testament Bible stories and activities
  • Praising God through music and singing
  • Special activities to demonstrate God’s love by helping others and showing care for our neighbors and creation

Special Events include:

  • Rally Sunday – in early to mid-September – a special time of intergenerational activities, food,  and fellowship to kick-off the Sunday School year
  • Participation in worship – during the 2nd Sunday of the month, children take part in the 8:45 am worship service by singing, and helping with ushering and offering.  If they wish, children are also welcome to read the Bible lessons, help with the liturgy, or provide special instrumental music.
  • Christmas program –2nd Sunday of December during the 8:45 am worship service.  All children are invited to participate in telling the Christmas story and celebrating the birth of Jesus through music and drama.  After the program, children will go to Sunrise Village to sing and give gifts to the residents.
  • Vacation Bible School – held during the summer; dates and times will vary.  All school-age children are welcome.